
World ChildChild and FamilyFamily Protection Platform aims to produce solutionssolutions against all kinds of problems that threaten family and family members.

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We collaborate in joint projects with other NGO’s working on family to protect the family institution and it’s individuals.

World Child and Family Protection Platform is founded by 55 NGO's. World Child and Family Protection Platform is founded by 55 NGO's.

Frequently Asked Questions


Sexual life is the enrichment and strengthening of personality, communication and love through the physical, spiritual, mental and social aspects.

It is a crucial aspect of life which has biological, psychological, social, cultural, traditional, moral, religious, anthropological, political, economic components. 

Human psychology and the other components mentioned above determine how sexuality will be experienced, with whom it will be lived, when, where and how it will be, how it will be stimulated and how to reach satisfaction. A person's approach to sexuality and choices  is determined by the basic attitudes, personality traits, emotions, cognitive functions, past experiences, traumas, learned behavior patterns that make up human psychology. The family, close environment, subculture and social structure, traditions, religious beliefs and moral attitudes also determine sexual attitudes and behaviors. Sexual health is one of the issues that most concern the society in terms of general health.

What is homosexuality?

As a man or a woman, it is turning to his own sex with the desire for love and sexual intercourse, and it is also called sexual reversal.

How often is it encountered?

In a literature review conducted by Hewitt in 1998, the frequency of homosexuality between 1970-1994 was examined. Homosexuality was categorized under 5 categories as "open preferential homosexuals", "repressed, preferential homosexuals", "bisexuals", "experimental homosexuals" and "situational homosexuals".

In a 2005 study by Mosher, Chandra and Jones, 90% of men aged 18-44 describe themselves as heterosexual, 2.3% as homosexual, 1.8% as bisexual, and 3.9% as “other”. 90% of women in the same age group define heterosexual, 1.3% homosexual, 2.8% bisexual and 3.8% define them as “other”.

We can say that the rates of homosexuality and homosexual behavior in human populations are around 2-10%. It is possible to say that the general trend is towards increasing this rate.

According to a study, relationship with at least one woman among young women has tripled in the USA since 1990; a similar increase has observed in males. Homosexual relationship among men, which was 4.5% in 2009, increased to 8.3% in 2016. The same rate in women has increased from 10.2% to 14.1% (Twenge J., 2017).

In Turkey, these rates are estimated to be much lower than in the US. Some survey studies and statistical data do not reflect the truth. The current situation should be determined urgently with reliable field scans.

Is homosexuality a disease?

Yes, it is a treatable disease. In 1974, the American Psychiatric Association and later in 1992, Europe (ICD) decided that homosexuality was not a perversion and removed this concept from their disease classification, but did not say that it was not an abnormal behavior. In other words, they said "homosexuality is an abnormal behavior, not a deviance."

- What are the causes of homosexuality?

Incorrect role models chosen in childhood and adolescence.

The mixing of the roles of individuals in the family: mother taking father’s role; or father taking mother’s role.

Exposure to childhood violence,

Bad childhood experience with the opposite sex; being harassed or raped.

Serious domestic problems, excessive attitude mistakes of parents towards each other.

Existence of an overly authoritarian father or mother 

Not having a father or similar figures in the child's life,

Having an overly emotional or closed nature of the child,

Having unsuccessful and extremely problematic sexual experiences such as premature ejaculation, impotence, vaginismus.

Raising boys as girls and girls as boys in the family

Showing the family's dissatisfaction with the child's gender in different ways.

Modeling people with homosexual tendencies in the immediate environment

Normalisation of such behaviors and tendencies throughout the society 

Degeneration of moral values, İmpairment of privacy perception 

Not being accepted among peers in childhood and adolescence and being in close friendships with the opposite sex.

Traditional and social media promoting homosexuality.

In adolescence, it may also occur as a reactive behavior towards parents.

The effect of genderless game and cartoon and movie characters on children and young people.

Hormonal disorders, which can be caused by malnutrition and convenience food.

Various drug use.

If the person has a homosexual orientation; There is also an unhealthy family structure, possibly a troubled childhood, and a history of sexual trauma.

What is a lesbian?

The word lesbian, meaning female homosexual, has been used since the 1800s. The origin of this word is from the hometown of the homosexual woman poet Sappho, Lesbos (Lesbos) Island. The word lesbian means "from Lesbos". It is the sexual and emotional orientation of women to women. This is an attempt to give an identity to homosexual behavior.

What is gay?

The word "gay" comes from the French root "gai". It actually means "doesn't care". The term "gay" has been used by male homosexuals to describe themselves since the 1960s. It is the sexual and emotional orientation of men to men. This is an attempt to give an identity to homosexual behavior.

What is a transsexual?

Transgender is the name given to people who feel that they belong to the opposite sex, who want to resemble the opposite sex in terms of clothing and behavior, or who feel as if they are of the opposite sex.

What is bisexuality?

People who are sexually attracted to people of both sexes or who have the potential to engage in emotional relationships at certain periods of their lives are defined as bisexual.

Are Homosexuals Born That Way?

No, it doesn't come from birth. Efforts to prove that they are born gay are an attempt to hide the possibility of a cure and gain acceptance and understanding.

To date, no specific gene for homosexuality has been found, and researchers have not identified links with any genetic region in lesbians (Veniegas & Conley, 2000). Findings from genetic studies of homosexuality in humans are confusing - at worst contradictory and at best provocative - no clear, strong, and convincing evidence for a pronounced genetic basis of homosexuality. (Byne, 1994; McGuire, 1995; Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 2001). Homosexuality advocates have also begun to take a step back in genetic attribution of homosexuality.

When does homosexuality begin?

Generally, 2-year-old children distinguish between boys and girls.

Behaviors that are not suitable for their gender roles, especially in children 0-6 years of age and adolescence, may be the firs signs. Sexual identity begins to take shape and become more meaningful at the beginning of adolescence.

Fears and obsessions about being gay are common in adolescence. In fact, they may even be suspicious of their close relationships with their fellow men. This situation is mostly in girls and it is a temporary situation. By interpreting this as being homosexual, the teenager may mistakenly pursue information and behavior that can support this fear and thought.

Do homosexual tendencies in childhood and adolescence improve in later ages?

Sexual therapists believe that the development of sexual identity follows a sequence of asexuality, bisexuality, and heterosexuality from childhood. In other words, the completion of sexual identity development and the establishment of heterosexual relationships is achieved by passing through the asexual and bisexual stages and by overcoming the problems in these stages.

Adolescents who experience temporary homosexual anxiety may feel compelled to make a healthy or unhealthy choice. If they can have friendly relations in a healthy environment, if they can feel the love of the family unconditionally, if they are not caught up in the homosexual environment and publications, their abnormal tendencies will gradually decrease and disappear. However, there is a risk that they will turn to the choice of being homosexual if they are withdrawn  and do not make an effort.

It is beneficial for parents to seek help from a child psychiatrist as soon as possible because current studies have revealed that only 12 percent of cases diagnosed at an early age experience a gender identity disorder in the future. It has been found that 75 percent of those diagnosed in late adolescence experience this disorder.


What are the Manifestations of Homosexuality in Children?

In children, this situation begins to manifest itself with choosing the clothes of the opposite sex, not wanting the clothes specific to their own gender, taking a role outside of their biological sex in games, wanting to choose friends of the opposite sex as playmates and this situation continues for a long time. Boys are afraid of their same sex peers, do not want to play with them, do not prefer boy games. In girls, situations such as avoiding girls' clothes and toys and desire to have a male sexual organ are observed.

What can be done in the child age group?

Psychotherapy and parental counseling and environmental regulation have priority in early age applications, with the ability to follow psychosexual development well. In general, 88% of the children do not have a sexual identity problem on follow up.

What can be done in the adolescent age group?

In adolescents, it is usually necessary to make detailed psychiatric evaluations and help both the situation and other accompanying psychiatric problems. It is important to encourage the family to try to understand the child or adolescent, not to try to discipline, exclude and punish. The adolescent who is left alone and punished will be exposed to behaviors and situations that will not support himself in a healthy way and to be with the wrong people.

For adolescents, friendships and being in a group are very important. An environment and support should be created for them to establish relationships.


What are the physical ailments accompanying homosexuality?

The probability of being at high risk of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases is 3.4 times higher in these individuals with high frequency of random intercourse. A study conducted at an Australian sexually transmitted diseases clinic found that lesbians were three to four times more likely to have sex with men at high risk for HIV than heterosexual women. In other words, the risk ratio, which is thought to be only for homosexual men, is also high for lesbian women.

An epidemiological study of the lifespan of homosexual men concluded that gay and bisexual men lose up to 20 years of life expectancy.

Gay Bowel Syndrom / Gay Bowel Syndrom is again a collection of diseases specific to homosexuals. In this syndrome, various bacterial and viral infections, hemorrhoids due to mechanical reasons in the anus region, polyps and fistulas, tears caused by foreign body insertion, and benign and malignant tumors are encountered. Sperm actually has immunity-reducing effects, but the flora of the vagina environment is suitable for this.

The answer to the question of why anal intercourse causes so much disease is very simple; The last part of the intestine, the rectum, was created by our Lord as a one-way channel. Since its muscle and blood circulation is different from that of the vagina, it is quickly damaged and germs infect the blood, causing increased susceptibility to infections and cancers.

Gay young men use illegal steroids at almost six times higher rates than heterosexual men. Serious damages and problems occur in the non-treatment use of steroids in the body.

The incidence of hepatitis A and B in homosexuals is around 70-80% in San Francisco.

Psychological disorders accompanying homosexuality

Rates of many psychiatric illnesses, including depression, drug use and suicide attempts are increased among homosexuals. This is true even in the Netherlands, where it is far more socially accepted than in the USA. Depression and drug use are strongly associated with risky sexual practices. And yet social rejection or exclusion alone cannot be presented as a cause for psychiatric illness.

The Dutch study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry indeed found a high rate of psychiatric illness associated with homosexual behavior. Men with any homosexual contact during this period were much more likely to experience major depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, compared to controls with no homosexual experience in the 12 months prior to the interview. Women with any homosexual contact in the past 12 months were more often diagnosed with major depression, social phobia, or alcohol addiction. In fact, those with a history of homosexual contact had higher rates than nearly all psychiatric pathologies measured in the study. (Http:// According to the

San Francisco State University report, the probability of attempting suicide is 8.4 times higher in homosexuals. . In another study, suicide rates were 19 times higher. Again, 5.9 times more likely severe depression; The probability of using illegal drugs is also 3.4 times higher. In some studies, 25-33% of homosexuals are alcoholics. Drug and alcohol addiction is 340% higher in bisexual youth than straight people.

Can homosexuality be cured?

Yes it can. "Men trying to overcome their homosexual tendencies" are ignored by the rapidly spreading "Gay Rights Movement" around the world. A considerable number of "homosexuals who want to be treated" are denied the opportunity to receive support or therapy. In some countries therapy is even legally prohibited and practitioners are given penalties. In Turkey also mental health professionals supporting this treatment are  subjected to various forms of oppression, complaints and attacks. Individuals and families trying to get help in this regard are encouraged to accept the situation and are left alone. Fortunately, there are still psychologists and psychiatrists who undertake treatment and therapy on this subject.

The main advocate of "Reperative Therapy" is NARTH (National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality), which was founded in 1992, and Joseph Nicolosi has been the president of this organization for a long time. The book titled “Reperative Therapy of Male Homosexuality” published by Nicolosi in 1991, was published in our country in 2008. There are also case stories by the same author published in 1993 and family guide books published in 2002.

What is homophobia?

There is no mental disorder in this name. The term "homophobia" is often used by activists to describe anyone who opposes a homosexual lifestyle for moral, psychological or medical reasons. Technically, a "phobia" is an unreasonable fear of an object, activity, or situation. Therefore, "homophobia" can define "unreasonable fear of homosexuality". The term "homophobia" is not used correctly to describe the dispute over homosexuality. (

What is the approach of religions to homosexuality?

Homosexuality in Judaism dates back to the time of the Torah and is mentioned in the books of Genesis and Leviticus. The Tevrat mentions homosexuality twice, according to the traditional perspective.

Don't sleep with a man like you are sleeping with a woman. This is disgusting. ”(Genesis 18:22)disgusting

If a man engages in sexual relations with another man, both of them are

. They will definitely be killed. They deserved death. ”(Leviticus 20:13) In the

Christian (Catholic and Orthodox) literature, homosexuality, which is strictly rejected, is accepted as haram.

In the Islamic literature, homosexuality is named as  livâta (Hâdimi, 1994: 299). In the 29th, 30th and 31st verses of Surah Mearic and in the 6th and 7th verses of Surah An-Nur in the Quran; All sexual relations except for married wives and concubines are made forbidden. (Özbek, 1987). Likewise, there are many verses in the chapter of Lut that condemn and prohibit relations between men.

The most definite judgment is stating that homosexuality is strictly forbidden in the Qur'an and that such sexual intercourse will be “livata” is seen in verses 80 and 81 of the Surah Al-Araf.

In Islam, sexual intercourse with a spouse is deemed obligatory, and avoiding sexual intercourse with a spouse is considered a sin. Islam not only prohibits performing liwata on women but also on men.

In the Quran, Lut is stated that Lot was sent to his people and his community as a prophet, and it is stated that "Surah al-Araf" is 80-84. In the verses, it is told that although Lot warned his people who abandoned women and had sexual intercourse with lustful men, they proceeded in their own way and hot stones rained on the people. It is written as follows in the Quran:

We sent Lot. “Are you going to do something that nobody in the world has done before you? Because you leave women and approach to men. Honestly, you are a nation that goes too far in indecency… ”he said. His tribe's response was simply to say, "Get them out of your city, they are supposedly people who are trying to stay clean." We saved Lot and his closest ones, but his wife was not saved, and she perished with those who remained. We poured stones like rain on them. Look and see the situation of the criminals

. The greatest fear of the Prophet (SAW) is that his ummah also follows the footsteps of Lot.

Hz. Aisha saw the Messenger of Allah sad. She asked:

- What is it that makes you sad ya Rasullallah?

- My fear for my ummah (which saddens me) is that they do what the Lot people do. "

Homosexual relationship between men has been seen as a sexual perversion in almost every period and in every society and has been condemned and an ugly behavior that religions collectively struggle against.

The religion of Islam, by accepting sexuality as a natural occurrence, allowed sexual needs to be fulfilled on a reasonable and legitimate ground, but brought some restrictions that prevent the uncontrolled use of sexuality in a way that violates human dignity and values. Encouraging marriage and taking measures to protect the family life and institution, showing chastity and the protection of the generations as one of the basic aims of religion, giving importance to sexual health and moral education, fighting obscenity, prostitution and adultery are such a meaning. Therefore, there are many detailed regulations and decrees regarding sexual life in the Quran and Sunnah.

Can homosexuality be prevented? How?

If you come from a culture where alcohol consumption is prohibited, no matter how your body metabolizes alcohol, it will be difficult to become an alcoholic.

If you grew up in a family or part of a culture where aggression is not well accepted, you're less likely to be aggressive. You learn from an early age how to control your aggressive tendencies. (Https:// This is how we see how learning and upbringing can prevent addictions and behavioral disorders.

It is important not to allow the aforementioned reasons to occur, to inform awareness and families properly, not to expose them to publications, images, role models that will support homosexuality, and not to be left by the state.

Can they lead a real family life?

No. But it can be like “playing house”. Marriage has always been by a covenant between a man and a woman. By its very nature, reproduction and education and unity of children are essential for the sustainability of healthy social adaptation.

What should relatives of homosexuals do?

There can be different reactions depending on the familial or social impact of having a homosexual parent or relative. This situation can push the family to feelings of shame  and blame. Treating this family member exclusively and punishing, with intense anger emotions, drives him away from treatment options. The feeling of loneliness can lead homosexuals to other psychological problems and wrong relationships. Unconditional love is a need from childhood, no matter what. And no matter what disease it is, it is one of the main healing elements. It will be necessary to seek therapeutic support from a professional for both the homosexual and the relatives. In this process, it is important not to detach the person and the relative from the society.

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