The Ideology of Homosexualism That Says “If You Are Gay, Stay Gay”
Sexual Disorders are given various names in psychiatry classification systems. The term
homosexuality was abandoned in scientific terminology 40 years ago, to be replaced by
the term Sexual Identity Disorder.
The debate about whether homosexuality is an illness continues to be confusing. One thing is certain though, homosexuality is not just about homosexuality.
Homosexual movement became an ideology with huge lobbying power. Homosexualism as a movement with its own dogmas and zero tolerance to dissent is rapidly spreading in the Western world. I have personally had patients from Netherlands telling me about how young people entering gay social circles are rewarded with group identities and prefer homosexuality to comply with social norms.
We are witnessing them gaining more influence as an ideology in also Turkey with a hierarchical organization structure and central figures. There are three main topics of any election debate in the USA: Stem cell, abortion and gay marriages… And here in Turkey in context of EU regulations and homosexuality, having kids and marriage are planned to be brought up for discussion.
However science has uncovered some information in recent years, that does not confirm what gay activists are arguing. The well-known magazine “Scientific American Mind” published in its May-June 2010 issue that Transsexuality, the most common type of homosexuality, is formed by cultural learning. (1)
Following is quoted from the publication:
If gender Identity and sex are not compatible;
1- Transsexuality reveals itself in various forms. The underlying psychology varies, but most
transsexuals have an unhappy conflict between their biological sex and gender identity.
2- Working on transsexuality, scientists realized that biological sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation are three distinct, independent variables.
3- Culture also affects who is going to be transgender, and this is not always in the expected ways. In traditional cultures, for example, people may turn to transsexuality to conform to social norms.
There are radical differences that underlie the expression openly transsexual, differences that encompass the unthinkable causal algorithm of individual experience, personality, biology, and culture.
Scientists working in this field have made considerable progress, but many remained a mystery… There is a definite increase in clinically-based data on gender identity disorder that started in 2004 and it is still on the rise. This dramatic increase may be a result of the current impact of media exposure. Movies like Boys Don’t Cry (1999) and Transamerica (2005) present sympathetic portraits of transsexuals, and the topic of childhood gender identity disorder was covered in the New York Times, ABC 20/20 and the Oprah Winfrey Show. As transsexuals have become more open about their experiences, scientists have realized that cross-gender behavior is not only a fascinating expression of human variation, but also a
rich informative field for exploring the hidden whims of sexuality. As another aspect of our nature, transsexuality is where biology, gender, and sexual orientation meet, and as we have seen, it is often part of those pathways.” p.64
As can be seen from the statements above, when scientific developments are closely followed, it’s obvious that so many things we thought to be true do actually change by data change.
Sexual Disorders are given various names in psychiatry classification systems. The term homosexuality was abandoned in scientific terminology 40 years ago, to be replaced by the term Sexual Identity Disorder.
However, by using this differentiation incorrectly in popular psychology, a perception has been formed that all homosexuality is a life choice. This perception has been deliberately supported by ideological groups.
There are two main definitions:
Homosexuality (Transsexuality) as a Sexual Identity Disorder: It is when a person intensely wants to be of the opposite sex or believes in the fact that they are of the opposite sex. The patient is constantly and excessively disturbed by their biological sex. (DSM IV, Jacobson J, Jacobson A, Translation: Kayaalp and Doğangün 2006 Nobel Pub. p. 130) This group is the modified and redefined part of homosexuality in disease classification systems. Transvestism is known as transsexualism. It needs treatment and is described as an illness in the books (DSM IV page 723 order no: 302.5).
Reparative therapy is a recommended scientific method. Note: I’d like to point
out to those of interest that my colleague Dr. Mustafa Merter has given an interesting interview and Joseph Nicolasi has a book about the subject.
A sentence from that interview: “Those who have political power in psychiatry just close their
eyes and expect us to do so.”
If you allow me, I would like to talk about “Lipsticked Lesbians and Masculine Gays”; in my article tomorrow because of the need for detailed examination and scientific justification and
evidence. I would like to mention that homosexuality can be a form of behavioral addiction.
Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan / Haber 7